When Choosing A Med Spa

Are you looking to have a treatment like Botox or filler and your are searching online for a med spa near you that would be your best option?  Is it overwhelming to understand where you should get your laser services or injections? Where do you start?   Who can you trust do be educated, honest and…

It’s Not A Deal If You Don’t Get Your Best Result

Having results is better than saving 10%.  Are you looking for deals or value?  Good results are better than mediocre results.  Exceptional results are better than good results.   Having long-lasting satisfaction is better than short-term satisfaction.  Feeling great about yourself is better than feeling blah.  Looking great and being healthy is more valuable than whatever…

Why Isn’t My Botox Working

Have you ever noticed how many different faces there are?  We have!  Everyone is vastly different and uniquely beautiful.  The shape of our face and the way we move our facial features are all one of a kind. Considering all of these unique features and expressions makes Botox a very complex treatment.  Add in your…

A Word To The Judgy

Just yesterday, a man commented on one of our social media posts that people should not have anti-aging services done and that we should just like how we look without treatments.  Meanwhile he is dressed in a suit in his profile picture with designer glasses and looks likes he cares about his appearance.  We responded…

All The Benefits Of Lip Line Filler

Look in the mirror and pucker up.  Are there lines and wrinkles in the lips and above the lips that you would like to smooth out?  You may not be a smoker but you have these “smoker lines”.  Why?  Simply because you move your mouth constantly.  Do you want to look a little more seamless? …

“Living Up To The Hype”

“Thanks for living up to all the hype and truly caring” is the best compliment Charmed Medispa can ever hope for! Having “the first good skin day in years” puts a huge smile on our faces and makes us feel honored to serve her concerns and this Delaware community. Our core values are to be…

The Melasma Challenge

Melasma is dark patches on the skin that look like islands not freckles.  Melasma can be extremely challenging to manage and control.  If you suffer from melasma, here are a few tips about treating it and what to expect. Melasma gets better and suddenly and abruptly can look worse.  Often melasma can look darker in…